Running, Cycling Training: What's Right For Children?

ที่ 15:22

Children and Running

For most parents, the idea of children without running is ridiculous, even impossible. After all, running, riding bicycles and active play are some of the ways children stay healthy and happy. If they are encouraged and interested when young, these children may develop a habit of exercising that will translate into the child being a healthy adult.

Some children show a desire to run in competition, while others may find cycling, even cycling training more to their liking. These are very natural pastimes and sports, requiring very little in the way of equipment beyond the purchase of a good bicycle or a pair of top-quality running shoes. There are a few key points to consider when thinking about children and running or children and cycling.

Before They Run

Everyone who considers running, whether for exercise, training or in competition, should be well aware of any physical problems and limits. Children are certainly no exception to this rule. Younger people, especially children younger than teenagers, can be very sensitive to the heat of a summer day. While children generally are more limber than adults, it is still important that they warm up before any running or cycling training. Children should be introduced to correct warm-up techniques as well.

How Long Should A Session Be?

Younger children tend to become quite involved in an activity, focusing to the point that they forget about anything or anyone else. This can be true of running or riding as well. It is not unusual for a child to push beyond physical and mental limits when he or she is so involved. According to some sports medicine professionals, children should have limitations on how long they exercise or participate in an activity such as running. For example, a youth in his or her early teens should generally not run more than three miles in one session.

In addition to setting some time and distance limits, children should always be equipped with the proper sports apparel, shoes, helmet and so on. Children's running or cycling shoes is not the place to try and save money. Limiting the length of a training or competition session will also help keep the activity fun, which should be of primary importance to the child.

Children forced to participate in an activity may develop a distaste for that particular sport and may try to move in another direction. With good preparation and attention to self-esteem, a child can enjoy running or cycling and also become quite proficient at these activities.

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