Get the body you want fast

ที่ 14:47

The quickest way to get the body you want fast is simple. Don't eat as many calories as you burn.I know ,easier said than done. How do we know how many calories we are burning? Everyone has a different metabolic rate based on height and weight and how much muscle you have. Muscle burns a lot more calories than fat. So it is ideal to combine a healthy diet with exercise. The more muscle you have the higher your BMI will be, thus burning more calories.

Studies show we must burn 3500 more calories than we take in to lose one pound. I know that sounds overwhelming but lets break that down a little. Everything we do burns calories no matter if your sitting at your desk or sleeping. Sixty percent of our calories are used for our basic functions. Like digesting food, or sleeping,and breathing. The rest goes to our movements ,driving a car or mowing the yard. Now if you were to go on a fast paced walk for an hour you would burn roughly for a 170 lb person an extra 500 calories a day. If you did this for two hours it would be 1000 calories a day. That is just about a pound a week if you did this three times a week.Now you can do a lot more and burn twice that much if you were on a bicycle but lets stay with this for a second. If you add that up in three months, you will have lost close to twelve pounds.In one year almost fifty pounds. That is awesome and very obtainable .The BMI will be higher for someone who is 200 lbs and lower for someone who is 130lbs,but you get the idea.

Those are huge results just from walking ,but the key is sticking with it and eating small and often.Remember i said we burn calories from digesting food? Well if you eat small and 5 or 6 times a day your body will be burning calories all day from your meals. To get the body you want fast you can't look at it as such a daunting task. It's a systematic approach over time that will produce results. A good diet that will educate you on nutrition and build a meal plan for you based on foods you like is also very important. When your trying to get the body you want fast do it the healthy way. Increase your exercise. Eat your meals in moderation and eat plenty of times a day.This will keep your metabolism cruisin. Good luck and God Bless

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