If you have ever wondered, why ride a bike and not a car? The answers are more than obvious. Road bikes and or any other kind of bike are just as dependable as a means of transportation as cars are. Nevertheless, the cold facts are that bicycles fight pollution where cars do not. You can enjoy your commute much better and not have to fight traffic. You can save money and get fit in the process too!
Here are just a few basic cycling tips for those of you who intend to give cycling a try in the near future:
Learning to Share the road
There are how-tos to everything in life and bicycle commuting is no different. So the tips given here will only help to inspire him or her to be the very best they can be while out cycling. One of the very first things to know and learn about bicycle commuting is realizing that you have to share the road. Remember that you do not own the road. The same laws that go for motorists go for cyclists. You must ride on the right side of the road with traffic and not against it. Respect the rights of motorists the same as you would yourself. Obey all the traffic signals and signs.
Protective clothing
The wearing of a helmet is necessary for the overall safety of a cyclist especially if you are riding mountain bikes. But other things that are just as equally important is the clothing and or rain gear that a cyclist wears while he or she is out cycling as a rule. It does not matter if their trip is for transportation or recreation. First, wear bright colors, so others can see you. Some of the most popular of cycling clothing materials do include, lycra and spandex, wool, nylon, cool-max and gore-tex.
These specific materials are great for different weather conditions and help the cyclist to adjust accordingly. Appropriate rain gear can be a waterproof jacket and pants, as well as waterproof gloves and socks.
Making necessary checks, fittings and adjustments
Make sure your tires are properly inflated and that your brakes are in good working condition. Also, make sure that your bike is comfortable for you and you are comfortable with it. Select the bike that is definitely for your needs. Some tips for advanced cyclists are that you should have a white light mounted on the front of your bicycle and a red reflector to the rear area of your bike. Be as visible at night as possible. If you plan to do a long trip by bicycle. It is wise to incorporate stretches into your commute.
Keeping your bicycle in good riding condition
Bicycle maintenance is just important a thing as is wearing a helmet. It is something that is necessary to maintain good safety while out cycling on the road.
There are different brake types for bikes. Know your bike as well as you know yourself. If your brakes make a scraping noise, this indicates that you need to sand the metal from the brake pads or replace them. By maintaining the right tire pressure, you will be able to prevent some flats. However, flats do happen and this is due to glass, nails, and anything sharp. Most flats are easily repaired with a patch kit. Know your bike and get regular inspections done. Bring tools with you to fix things that you know you can fix.
Bicycle Safety Practice
Your cycle is a very precious investment to you on all fronts. Good bicycle safety practice begins and ends with you. Make sure to lock your bike in a place that is very visible and that is close to pedestrian traffic. Do not lock your bike behind big objects that obstruct visibility. Also if you park somewhere at night make sure that there are many streetlights around. The safest thing to attach your bike to with a lock is something that is metal and not movable by a long shot. Use u-locks only to secure your bike. Because they are hard to pick and are made out of heavy tempered steel that is impossible to break. If you are going to park your bike overnight, it is wise to use both a u-lock and a cable lock combination for added no theft protection.
Finding the time to do your cycling
Time is something that many people seem to not have enough of these days. This is because life is very demanding and so are the every day things that go along with life. However, if you truly love cycling and enjoy doing it, the time can be made to fit it into your regular schedule. Do not ever postpone a bike ride. Cycling is a sport that is done and done again, you learn it from momentum; find ways to prune your time to make time for cycling. Even if it means hiring a babysitter and what not, do it, just never give up your cycling because of time constraints. Cycling is a worthy investment from a health perspective.
Finding the "cyclist" in you
Life is all about change. So do not think you cannot change the fact that you have allowed events in your life from preventing you to ride your bike. Anything can be altered and set straight if you have the faith and determination. Finding the cyclist in you is easy. The first tip is to take your bike for a complete overhaul and to be reacquainted with riding all over again. Make a trip to a local bicycle shop and buy a new helmet and maybe a jersey to signify your completely new start at coming back. Be like a kid again and ride in your street clothes as you did long ago. Your bike will help you to find the feeling of free that you used to know in your youth.
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