How to Get a Six Pack ?

ที่ 15:28

Most people think that six packs are for sexy young guys that workout every day of their life but that's not true. Anyone can get a six pack with hard work; they just need to know what to do.

So what do you need to do to get a six pack? Well first off you need to have the mental motivation to want to get a six pack. You're not going to go to the gym and work out if you don't have the desire. You can achieve anything in life if you have a strong desire to do so, because that desire fuels your momentum to want to work hard, and hard work is what will get you a six pack.

So what types of exercises can you do to get a six pack? Well here's some of the basics that you should implement into your abs routine.

Basic Crunch/Sit Up - I'm sure we all know how to perform a crunch and/or sit up.

Hanging Leg Raises - This exercise requires a pull up bar. You must hang from the bar while keeping your body straight bring your knees up close to your chest and then slowly let them back down.

Push ups - Many people don't know it but push ups are a great way to strengthen your core. The motion of pushing your body up with your hands actually tightens your abs and gives them a nice workout.

Leg Lifts - To perform a leg lift you must first lie on the floor on your back with your hands laying beside you and your legs stretched out. You then bring your legs up (without bending your knees) until they are at a 90 degree angle. From here you then lower them to the floor without letting them touch the floor and then repeat.

Rowing - Lie down on the floor with your hands below your back and bend your knees bringing them as close to your chest as possible. Then, while keeping your back stable on the floor, lift your buttocks inward and your hips should reach a couple of inches off of the floor.

Bicycle Pumps - First lie down in the basic crunch position with your hands behind your head. Then lift your upper body while twisting it toward the right and bringing your left knee towards it. Then do this twisting your left upper body and bringing your right knee in.

Squats - When you bend your knees while performing a squat the weight crunches down on your abs as your upper body gets lower to the ground.

Bridge - To perform this exercise you must lie on your back with your knees bent and back in a neutral position, meaning it is not arched but not pressed against the floor. From this position tighten your abs, raise your hips off the floor until they are aligned with your knees and shoulders, and then hold for three deep breaths. After this return the start position and then repeat.

This is only the beginning to the many exercises that can be done to shape and strengthen your abs to get a six pack.

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