Revealed The Best Exercise For Weight Loss

ที่ 16:34

WHAT vehicle is cheaper than most others, faster than a car in many urban areas, better for your health, and fun? A vehicle that helps fight obesity. A bicycle! Cycling is good exercise that combines practicality with pleasure. In an age when many people are concerned about their health, travel on two wheels is well worth your consideration. For those who are able, it is indispensable in weight loss program.

Health care agents have strongly recommended regularly body exercise as a means to achieve and sustain vibrant health. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Nonetheless, cycling has its unique advantage

Noiseless, pollution free, often quicker than motorized traffic over short distances. Riding bicycle does not result in environmental degradation, ozone depletion, global warming, it does not constitute nuisance because; it is noiseless. Another advantage. Anguish that comes with traffic jams is avoided over short distances. It helps to avoid sitting for so long.

In Western lands, where the automobile holds pride of place for personal transport, growing health concerns coupled with a desire to escape the urban treadmill have renewed cycling’s popularity. Specially reserved bicycle lanes or paths have sprung up along numerous thoroughfares. In Britain, for example, many local government authorities pride themselves on the miles of paths they reserve for cyclists. And what does that tells you.

Discounting possible pollution from exhaust fumes, cycling can be healthy. It “is a protection against cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death and premature death in the UK,� observes transport consultant Adrian Davis. Cycling requires a higher intensity of effort, some 60 to 85 percent of a person’s maximum capacity, compared with the 45 to 50 percent used when walking. With minimal weight on a cyclist’s limbs, the risk of damage to the bones is also less than when pounding the streets on foot.

Yet another health benefit of cycling is the good feeling it gives the rider. Research reveals that the exercise involved triggers the release in the brain of chemicals called endorphins, which can enhance mood. For those who are obese cycling help you feel good about yourself not minding what people say at the same time, to achieve weight loss. Apart from a feel-good factor, cycling certainly offers a look-good factor. How so? “At a moderate speed the pedaller [of a bicycle] will burn off roughly seven calories per minute, or 200 calories in half an hour,� reports The Guardian newspaper of Britain. The result? May be a trimmer waistline and an end to flabby thighs. You quite agree that this is where excess body fats are concentrated.

Protect yourself.

Protection can be achieved with good planning and caution. A growing concern in auto mobile-dominated countries is the safety of cyclist. You may want to ask: should I wear a helmet. Its nothing bad. However, simply wearing a helmet does not guarantee the safety of rider in case of accident. The helmet must fit well, not oversized. That means your parants helmet might not be good for you. In an accident, an ill fitted helmet, increases the risk of injury by 50 percent. Thus, if you wear helmet make sure it fit. Even at that, extreme care needs to be exercised. Columnist Celia hall drew attention to a study of 1700 cyclists of varying ages who wore helmet. One of the startling findings of the study was that wearing “helmet gave the riders a false sense of security.

Drivers of vehicles frequently view cyclists as an irritation and tend to ignore their presence. Therefore, make yourself seen. Wear safety clothingâ€"fluorescent by day, reflective by night. Your bike also needs to be visible, even in the dark. Reflectors on the pedals together with clean front and rear lights are often legal requirements and are certainly wise precautions. Check your bike, clean and service it regularly. Remember, you must remain alive to fight obesity. A dead man or woman has nothing to do with weight loss. Then you need to know the type of bicycle that will help.

Mountain bikes are really all-terrain models with a small, sturdy frame, straight handlebars, higher pedals than conventional models, and wide tires that grip rough surfaces. A variety of gears offer the rider greater ease when going uphill. If you ride on both hard road surfaces and uneven ground, then you need a hybrid model, a cross between a mountain bike and a conventional one. Such a bike has narrower tires and slightly lower pedals. Conventional cycles offer a more upright riding position and fewer gears. Whichever model you choose; make sure it is the right size for you. Try it out first. Adjust the handlebars, saddle, and pedals to suit you. When you straddle the crossbar, you should be able to place your feet on the ground. You will have the safest and most comfortable riding position if you adjust the saddle height so that you can straighten your leg with your heel resting on the pedal at its closest point to the ground. Generally the handlebars should be fixed at saddle height.â€"Source: Which? magazine.

A good bicycle, well maintained can help achieve weight loss. Go for one and fight obesity with pleasure. It helps without causing damage to body parts.

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