6 Fitness Purchases for the Home

ที่ 15:28

You've already spent a significant amount on your home and your car, gas is costing more and you really don't want to spend $50 a month on a gym on top of all of this. So what's a health-conscious person to do?

The answer is hie thee to your local fitness store and pick up the equipment on this list! All of these purchases will last you a long time with proper maintenance.

1. Shoes

Designed for such diverse purposes as trail running, cross training, cycling and rock climbing, there is a shoe that will help you get the most out of your exercise. Don't forget walking as a source of excellent exercise - there are shoes for that too!

2. Bicycle

A 150 lb person doing a leisurely cycle can burn over 250 calories in an hour. Trailers, packs, bags and panniers make a bike a great choice for your next shopping trip. The cost for a decently made bicycle and necessary equipment can be several hundred dollars, but with regular maintenance, it will last for years.

3. Skipping Rope

It can cost as little as $5 and burn off a chocolate bar in 20 minutes. No longer solely the province of schoolgirls and boxers, the skipping rope is starting to take off as a lower-impact calorie-burner.

4. Exercise/Swiss ball

The instability of this PVC, puncture-resistant ball makes the body work harder during exercise. Its gentle treatment of the back and posterior makes it a popular choice with physiotherapists, yoga practitioners, Pilates enthusiasts and strength trainers.

5. Dumbbell handles, barbell and weight plates. Weight lifting builds muscle and helps fight against bone and muscle loss as you grow older. This setup can probably be got from your local sporting goods store for less than $50.

6. Yoga/Exercise Mat

Easy to roll up and take with you travelling, this mat is thin but cushioning. Use it to weight lift, jump rope or do floor exercises on.

You don't have to spend a lot of money every month to get fit!

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